Our horse riding instructor, Goh Jai has many years and experience under his belt. He has participated in many endurance riding events (long distance races) in Thailand. He is a local here in Takuapa and is affluent in both Thai and English. With Goh Jai as your instructor and guide we are more than certain you will have a fun and knowledgable time!
Single Lessons
For those who want to give horse riding a try but is not sure whether they would like it or not! Lessons will be taught within a paddock. Each lesson will depend on the existing knowledge of the rider, which you will go through with our instructor. (a great alternative to the package lessons)
Package Lessons
For those riders who is sure they would love horse riding and would like to get a firm understanding of basics or increase their expertise. This would depend on the exisiting riding level and knowledge of the rider.
Endurance Riding Lessons
For riders that want to eventually compete in endurance races such that can range from 40km, 60km or even up to 80km.
Golf Course Trail – 1,300 Baht (Level 0 to 5 - 1 hour)A great trail to stroll and enjoy the beautiful scenery around the golf course. This trail is perfect for those who want a simple and fun ride. The trail begins with a short introduction and riding within the paddock before a trip around the golf course.
Beginner Trail – 2,400 Baht (Level 0 to 5 - 2 hours)
Perfect for beginner level riders. Starts off with teaching basic skills in the horse training stall before going off on a trail that consists of palm plantation, and old tin mine sites.
Mountain Trail – 3,000 Baht (Level 2 to 5 - 2.5 hours)
This trail will take us out of the golf course, into the rural road. The rural road will include sceneries such as palm plantations, forests, mountainous hills, rubber plantation and a glimpse of the local way of life.
Riding Levels
*please be honest about your riding level, since it can have a impact on your safety, safety of other riders and the staff.
0 - No previous experience, first time riding a horse
1 - Ridden a horse before, has some knowledge and basic control
2 - Can control the horse to a good amount, able to trot
3 - Able to trot and canter, always have a good amount of awareness and control
4 - Excellent control at all times including trot, cantering and galloping
5 - An expert in horse riding with a lot of experience in horse riding